September Update 2021

Family crisis

First, I want to give a little bit of a personal update. At the end of August, I had to take a step back from Covenant. My husband contracted COVID-19 while we were both on a business trip to foster and promote Catholic church music. He's young, healthy, and has no underlying issues so we thought it would be a quick "flu-like" event, but he ended up being hospitalized for two weeks and was nearly put on a ventilator. My first priority became making sure he was taken care of. Even though I couldn't visit him, I was still able to do simple things like delivering outside meals and making sure the rest of our household didn't fall apart. It's the single most difficult thing I've ever endured, and the worst experience we've had as a couple.

Praise be to God, he's home now and expected to make a full recovery. His lungs will take months (maybe longer) to heal, but he's finally functioning with just low oxygen from a machine and able to do basic tasks without assistance. I wasn't able to give Covenant any attention while we were in the thick of this crisis, but now things at Covenant HQ are back in full swing!

We were blessed with a remarkable healthcare staff and an abundance of prayers. After being in free fall for several days, my husband finally started to stabilize after receiving Eucharist, Confession, and an anointing from our priest, who risked his own health to administer the sacraments. We are eternally grateful for our faith and the faith of our friends and family.

Married Saints blog reducing to once a month

When I started the Married Saints blog, I felt so excited about the faithful Catholics I was researching that I wanted to share as many stories as quickly as I could! But life has shown me that there are more important things than creating new entries in a blog. In an attempt to focus more on running Covenant as well as giving myself space to be present when life gets difficult, moving forward Married Saints will have new stories once a month.

Keep an eye for the next story coming in October!

Catch up on previous Married Saints entries here >>

Covenant Planner available now!

The Covenant Wedding Planner has gone live! On September 2, pre-orders were finally made available on the website and as of September 14, I have been shipping all orders as they come, with a typical handling time of less than 24 hours. I'm so excited to share Covenant with you all and I hope you're enjoying your copy!

If you haven't gotten a copy yet, be sure to check it out or read on for an exciting announcement.

Shop now >>

Want to score a free copy of Covenant?

We've got an exciting event coming up next month! If you're not already, be sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram for your chance at a free copy of Covenant!

Details coming soon to social media!


Saints Who Married Saints: Louis Martin & Marie-Azélie “Zélie” Guérin


Saints Who Married Saints: Isidore & Maria de la Cabeza